“Behind the legions rose the cities on which Roman civilisation depended: rustic miniatures of Rome, even in this remote frontier land, with neat chess-board-pattern streets, forums and temples, porticoed town-halls and amphitheatres, public baths, aqueducts and drains. The capital of the Catuvellauni became Verulamium, or, in modern English, St. Albans; that of the Atrebates of the Thames valley Calleva Atrebatum or Silchester; that of the Iceni Venta Icenorum or Caistor-next Norwich; that of the Dumnonii Isca Dumnonorum or Exeter. Even the wild Silures of Wales built Venta Silures or Caerwent and boasted of the little garrison-town of Caerleon with its golden roofs and towers. In these minute but elegant tribal capitals traders built shops, and tribesmen brought their crops and cattle to markets and assembled at sacred seasons to sacrifice to their local gods”.